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About Us

Tony Padgett, ASCA Stockdog Judge










Tony has been training stockdogs and competing in different venues for over 25 years. He is an ASCA® Stockdog judge, however, his experience is not limited to just Australian Shepherds. He has trained several other breeds of stockdogs to work sheep, cattle and ducks. His introduction to the Aussie breed was first through the horse world and then competing in Frisbee competitions.


On the farm Tony uses his dogs to manage the handling of his livestock.  They are a vital part of the day to day operations of his farm.  His experience has been starting young dogs, putting the finish on a mature dog, giving handler lessons all levels, and training for competition. Tony has Working Trial Champion titles on Jill (Border Collie), Tux (Kelpie), Doc (Aussie), Cap (Kelpie), Georgia (Aussie) and Chizel (Aussie) and most recently training GW (Aussie) to compete in Started cattle. He has trialed Georgia to qualify for Finals in cattle in 2010 and 2011.  He handled a client dog Gibbs (Rick Williams, KY) to qualify for 2018 ASCA Finals in Cattle, Sheep and Duck.  He has also bred, started and finished Aussies, Border Collies, and Kelpies for other stockmen in the area and all have become real world champions in their own right.



Donna Padgett













Donna and her Dad have always had stockdogs to help them manage their livestock, even helping with handling their pigs. Most were cross bred shepherds but in 1990, Donna got her first NSDR registered red merle Australian Shepherd. He was her dad's right hand and was lost during the prime of his life. The search for a true working Aussie began and it has been an enlightening experience.


Donna, still considers herself a novice in the competive ranks of the stockdog world. She has WTCH'd three Aussies, Emmy Rose, Rita and Stubby.  She is now working two young dogs out of the Emmy x Stubby and Georgia x Jake cross. Prior to these accomplishments in 2002 - 2003 she had trialed an Aussie, Waters Coosawattee Rose, OTDsc to Open cattle and sheep titles. Stubby, WTCH Coosawattee Here for A Good Time completed his Advanced multi-course titles in cattle and sheep in 2018.  He also had some impressive runs and HITs in the at the 2018 Peach State Classic where he earned The High Combined WTCH award.  Donna loves to start young dogs and be a part of that initial exposure to livestock. Her favorite division to compete in is Open and of course her favorite class of stock is cattle.


She has begun training some outside dogs and giving handler lessons. She is very articulate with her clients and has a wonderful way with started dogs and novice handlers. She has been around livestock, particularly cattle all her life and has a keen ability to read livestock. 




Stockdog Training and Handling Lessons
Contact Tony ( or Donna ( for references and more information if you are in the southeast and interested in stockdog training, handling or just wanting your working dog to be a part of your real world operation. 

Limited Availability through April 2021.



Event News

Tony & Donna


Coosawattee is Proudly Powered by Victor Performance

Dog Food

Coosawattee is proud to host the Working ASC of Georgia, 2024 Cherokee Rose- Sanctioned by the Australian Shepherd Club of America.  Open to all herding breeds.  For more information please click on the link above or Working ASC of Georgia.

Proudly Sponsored by

Stubby and Nationals - I never professed

STUBBY finishes strong in the final results of the ASCA Stockdog Merit Program winning 1st in Advanced Sheep, placing 5th in Advance Cattle and 8th in Advance Ducks.

Competing in 2018 ASCA Finals in Greeley, Colorado under the handling of Tony with some impressive scores Look for them in 2020 in Conyers, GA at the 2020 ASCA Nationals.



​ASCA event

Working ASC of Georgia

Planned Breedings






We only breed occasionally but when we do it has to be special..

Working Descriptionof the Australian Shepherd




.. a working Australian Shepherd will often display wear, grip, and/or an authoritative bark...

Training Tips for Joe Rancher





Future blog of training tips to use to keep your dog off the truck...

Schedule of Events at Coosawattee Farm




Future and maybe a few past listings of events we have scheduled.

© 2015 by Coosawattee WAO Stockdogs - Website Created by Donna Padgett

All photos, images, artwork, videos, and personal stories on this website are property of Coosawattee Aussies and Coosawattee Farm and may not be downloaded, reproduced, republished, sold, displayed, copied, transmitted, distributed, or otherwise used or exploited without expressed written permission of Coosawattee Aussies, Coosawattee Farm, or Tony and Donna Padgett.

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